Tips to ensure ur account will not be disabled.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

-> Do not modify the AdSense code.

Once u generated the code,please do no change the behaviour of the code.Its google's job. So it will change the code if they want.

-> Respect Google trademarks.
Framing or mimicking Google pages is strictly prohibited by our Guidelines for Use of Google Brand Features. In addition, publishers may not use any Google Brand Features such as Google trademarks, logos, web pages or screen shots, without prior consent from Google.

-> Don't place Google ads on sites that contain prohibited content.
Make sure that ur page content is correct according to the google agreement.If ur content is prohibited one ur account will be disabled.

-> Don't employ pop-up prompts or automatic software installations.
Please do not place pop-up or automatic software. Google makes evaluation while giving money to u.

-> Don't ask others to click on Google ads.
Users should click on Google ads because they're interested in the services being advertised. Encouraging users to click on your Google ads, either directly or indirectly, can lead to inflated advertiser costs and can cause your account to be disabled.

-> Don't click on your own Google ads.
Clicking on Google ads on your own site for any reason is strictly prohibited. If you'd like more information about one of the advertisers appearing on your site, please type the URL of the ad directly into your browser's address bar, or use the AdSense preview tool.


Second Bench Boys said...

Hey this tips is nice and useful one.I got so many things from ur post.Please keep on posting like these kind of post.You have done a great job.. keep it up.

Second Bench Boys said...

Hey this tips is nice and useful one.I got so many things from ur post.Please keep on posting like these kind of post.You have done a great job.. keep it up.